Before dining out I like to research the restaurant that I am planning to attend, I ring-up on the phone and speak to a knowledgeable employee about my restrictions/needs prior to arriving. If you think that this sounds like a pain, it is not nearly as annoying as questioning overly-busy waitstaff--who mostly do not know what is in the food--while they are working (I waitressed a lot in my youth, it is very hard work!). Or much worse than that, actually ingesting some incidental gluten. I inquire fully beforehand about their gluten free options, I also like to ask how they handle cross-contamination. This is also a good time to ask key questions about things such as flour thickened sauces and breaded foods. I even go so far as to try and decide what I will be eating--before arriving at a restaurant--so that I do not take up too much of my server's time. There is no reason not to be assertive--in a gentle way--when informing your server about things like "no croutons on my salad please", after all your health is at stake. I try not to be too hungry when arriving at an eatery, I am also careful to bring back-up snacks, just in case, because the bottom line is, I am responsible for feeding me. I always travel with some food in a very small cold-bag in my car or purse. Remember, when dining out gluten free, keep it simple; wholesome straightforward food with fewer ingredients, is sometimes the best choice.
Happy Gluten-free Dining!
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